During the day, she comes to me with one of her stuffed animals in her mouth. I know what she wants. She wants me to play tug-of-war with her for a bit and then chase her down the hall to the den. I will chase her around the chairs a couple of times, and then another round of tug-of-war will ensue.
After a little bit, I will tell her to drop the toy, and she promptly does. Then I throw it on the couch, or in a chair, or across the room. She will retrieve it and the process starts over. Ellie loves this game, and I enjoy playing it with her. Sometimes, however, she waits until I am in the middle of something to bring me the toy. It is hard for me to tell her to wait, and I know she doesn't like it either.
In the late afternoon, Ellie starts hanging around me more. She knows this is the usual time we head to a nearby school so she can walk around the schoolyard. She loves that activity. I know it is good for her to have time to smell as much as she wants, so I love it, too.
I love how when Ellie wants something, she comes and sits in front of me with those beautiful caramel-covered eyes unwavering in their attempt to gain my attention. If I take too long to pay attention to her, she will gently touch my leg with her paw. If I ignore that, she becomes a little more insistent. Usually, during the day, I love this. But at night, after dinner, I am often in a quandary to know exactly what she wants. Well, of course, she always wants more food. But if I fed her as much as she wanted, I would have to roll her around the neighborhood instead of walking her!
Sometimes, she just wants to sit in my lap. That is one of my favorite parts of the day. Everything is done, bedtime is near, and Ellie is cuddled up in my lap with her eyes drooping. Sweet!
One activity that Ellie does not want to see me preparing for is her bath. I usually have to carry her into the bathroom. Once in the tub, she cooperates with everything I need to do, but she clearly doesn't like it. As soon as I have finished and give her the "OK", she is off in a flash. She also pouts for a while, but by evening, she has forgiven me.
Ellie is a source of sweetness and love to everyone who knows her—well, except that one neighbor she always barks at when she walks around the block. But everyone loves Ellie, and she deserves it!
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