As long as I can remember, I have always liked rainy days. In fact, it was a rainy day when we went to the hospital in labor with our first baby. I remember telling Glen I was glad it was rainy because I liked rainy days.
As I sit here, watching the raindrops falling from the oak trees, making concentric circles in the puddle our sidewalk has become, I find an inexplicable sense of pleasure. For one thing, I won't have to water the flowers today.
But there is a price to pay for enjoying the rain. For one thing, we didn't get to take a long walk this morning. And the schoolyard will be too wet and soggy for Ellie to sniff around there today. In a couple hours, her internal clock will tell her it is time to go for her favorite activity of the day. I'm afraid she won't understand why we aren't going. She will give me a mournful look with those beautiful caramel-colored eyes, and I will not be able to make her happy. This disappoints her, and it hurts me.
That's the way it seems to be sometimes, isn't it? For one person to have something they want, someone else will be disappointed. Looking back at my life, I am amazed at how many things that seemed disappointments at first turned out to be something totally different.
As a high school senior, I decided to go away to college and study journalism. A family member discouraged me from this choice, and I decided not only to stay in our hometown but to change my course of study. I never thought of becoming a nurse, but the thought popped into my head and seemed like a good idea. That brief blip of thought led to an excellent 46-year-long career. One might ask, from "whence cometh" that thought? I know the Lord was leading my thoughts that day. God knew he needed me to be in Mobile to meet a particular, handsome young man. He knew He intended us to marry, have children, and minister to others together. It was a quick decision, without much thought involved, and I have thanked the Lord for it more times than I can count. What seemed like a big disappointment at first turned into the greatest blessing of my life.
I am sure, just like I will feel toward Ellie this afternoon when I have to disappoint her, that the Lord hurts when He has to disappoint us in our hopes and dreams. But He knows He has something better, something greater for us. It is up to us to believe the Scriptures, "But as for God, His way is perfect" (2 Samuel 22:31.)
This Christian life we lead is a walk of faith, not sight. We can't see the path ahead of us, but we can trust our way to the one who IS "the Way, the Truth and the Life," (John 14:6.)
These thoughts bring to mind the lyrics from one of my favorite hymns, "Day By Day."
Day By Day
By Linda Sandell
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