Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Photos - The Calla Lily
I don't remember where or when this picture was taken, but I do remember that I found the Calla Lily beautiful, and the lines running through the petals and leaves were very striking.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The Dog in the Map
Several times a week, we take Ellie to a nearby schoolyard. I put her on a 30-foot leash and allow her to walk, run, sniff, and track to her heart's content. I know this activity is very important for a scent-driven hound, and I enjoy spending the time watching her and musing through things in my own mind. Usually, I only stop her or direct her path if I realize there is something dangerous to her or that she might be in someone else's way. For all our other walks, I direct where she goes.
The other day, as we were getting out of the car, I realized that since I was tracking our distance on my phone, it would generate a map of where we went. I thought this might be something interesting to see, so I decided to follow her every step. This is the map:
"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all them that trust in Him." 2 Samuel 22:31.
As Ellie trusts me to keep her out of danger while on that long leash, I must trust the Lord to do the same in my life. As I put my trust in His will and way, His eyes and not my own, His way will become clear, and I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He has led me all the way.
saith the Lord." Isaiah 55:8.
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt his tender mercy,
Who thru' life has been my Guide?
Heav'nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Tuesday - All Things Ellie, Meet Max and Jack
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Max |
In our neighborhood, cats seem to be as plentiful as squirrels. Well, almost.
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Jack in the grass |
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Jack looking through the window |
Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday Photos -- The Butterfly
The Monarch butterfly |
I remember taking this photograph as if it were yesterday.
It was taken on October 10, 2013. We were at Lowe's, and Glen was looking for some plants for his garden. I had just gotten a new camera (yes, people still used cameras then), and I was trying it out on the flowers. In October, monarch butterflies migrate through this area and one was flitting around the flower department. I followed this butterfly everywhere it went, trying to get the perfect picture. When this one popped up on the screen, I knew I could do no better than this.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Tuesday - All Things Ellie: Meet Sally
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Sally |
Sally is a mix: she is part Chihuahua, part Shitzu, and part Austrailian Cattle Dog. She is also part Houdini, but more on that later.
When we first got Ellie, Sally was much taller than Ellie. Even then, though, as a puppy, Ellie asserted her dominance. Now, at almost five years old, Ellie is much taller than Sally.
Ellie and Sally are now best friends. We "dog-sit" Sally several days during the week while Marie works. Ellie and Sally eat together, play together, and then take naps.
In the beginning, I would try to take them on walks together, but that was when Sally's "Houdini" genes became evident.
The first time I took them out together for a walk in the neighborhood, I was looking around for "Jack, the Cat" (Another story for another day.), Sally decided to practice her greatest skill, which was slipping out of her harness. I started chasing her, and so did Ellie. Ellie, having those hunting genes, was immediately ready for the challenge.
Sally ran toward the house to our left, and just as I thought I was going to be able to get her, she slipped away into the yard next door. I chased her, and once again, I thought she was within my grasp, and she darted away. Finally, I gave up and let the expert take over.
"Ellie, get Sally!" I shouted.
Ellie seemed to instinctively know what to do. She ran to Sally's backside and corralled her between a chainlink fence and the corner of a house. She stayed between Sally and the street until I could get Sally's harness back on. Sally, thankfully, didn't try to escape anymore on that walk, and we went straight - and swiftly- home.
A few days later, however, we were walking on the other side of the neighborhood. Sally had just "done her business," and I was bending over to pick it up. When I looked back at Sally, there was no Sally to look at. I had not felt any pulling on the leash at all, but the leash and harness were lying on the ground. Sally was nonchalantly trotting across a neighbor's front yard.
This time, I didn't waste time trying to catch her myself.
"Ellie, get Sally!" This command was effective last time, and this time, Ellie immediately knew the game was on.
She followed Sally. Once Sally reached the wooden fence between the two houses, Ellie put her body against Sally's and held her there until I could buckle her up again. For that, Ellie got a big treat of chicken, and I decided never to try to walk them both at the same time again.
Sally is a very sweet dog. She loves to have her belly rubbed and chew on bone toys. And she loves Ellie. In the third book of our "Ellie & Percival" Series for children, Sally teaches Ellie about snow and has a great idea for praying for something that seems almost impossible.
Sally has great ears, especially for sounds emanating from the kitchen. In fact, if I am doing something in the kitchen, Sally is usually the first one to run to see if it means the dogs will get some food.
When it comes to eating, Sally and Ellie are totally different. Ellie wolfs down her food as if she has not eaten in years. Sally, however, demurely takes one piece of kibble at a time and quietly nibbles on it like a perfect little lady.
Sally has been a great blessing to our daughter, to us, and especially to Elllie.
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Besties |
Friday, February 14, 2025
Friday Photos - Happy Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The Red Jacket - Revisited
This story was printed many, many years ago, but finding it today I realized how relevant it still is. And I still don't have the perfect red jacket.
Several years ago, I was walking through a department store and saw a beautiful red leather jacket. I tried it on and loved the fit—in fact, I loved everything about the jacket except the price tag. So, I left it on the rack. I have regretted it ever since.
I am extremely picky about jackets. I don't like lapels or collars, and being tall, I need sleeves that are long enough. Not any red will do..I don't want rust or cranberry. . .I want red.
The jacket at Dillard's met all my pre-conceived criteria, except for the price. It was exactly what I wanted, the real deal. Since then, I have tried on dozens of red-hued jackets, none of which come close enough to cause me to purchase them, even at a quarter the price. They are not the "real deal"; they fall short of my standard of perfection for red jackets. I have searched for the elusive red jacket of my dreams, but none have met up to my list of qualifications.
Many times, I have heard people say, "If I do more good things than I do bad things, then I will go to heaven." This would imply that anything we do can have good merit in and of itself. Yet the Scriptures tell us that apart from the saving work of the Lord Jesus, "... we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;" (Isaiah 64:6.) Our good works can never be accepted by a God who is perfectly holy because they don't meet up to the standard of perfection.
What is that standard of perfection? The Lord Jesus Christ. His sinless life is the standard of perfection. If we desire to reach Heaven on our own merits and works, then we have to be as perfect in word, action, thought, and motive as He was, and He was without sin.
"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." Hebrew 4:5
All we can do is to humble ourselves before the Lord and be thankful that He is a God that "delighteth in mercy" and who is "good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee." We confess that we cannot in and of ourselves obtain the path to Heaven, that we have all "sinned and come short of the glory of God."
We seek His grace, mercy, and salvation provided through His Son, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Then God wraps the righteousness of His dear Son around us and declares us His child as well. Only His Son and His righteousness meet the standard, and we must accept it by faith as a freely given gift.
Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue,
Prepare a tuneful voice;
In God, the life of all my joys,
Aloud will I rejoice.
’Tis He adorned my naked soul,
And made salvation mine;
Upon a poor polluted worm
He makes His graces shine.
And lest the shadow of a spot
Should on my soul be found,
He took the robe the Savior wrought,
And cast it all around.
How far the heav’nly robe exceeds
What earthly princes wear!
These ornaments, how bright they shine!
How white the garments are!
The Spirit wrought my faith, and love,
And hope, and every grace;
But Jesus spent His life to work
The robe of righteousness.
Strangely, my soul, art thou arrayed
By the great Sacred Three!
In sweetest harmony of praise
Let all thy powers agree.
Isaac Watts
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
All Things Ellie - Ellie meets Percival
Later, we began to bring him little bits of chicken breast, which he really liked! Ellie does too! Then, as summer started, we brought him some canteloupe. Percival LOVES canteloupe! This began a long season of Percival being part of our daily routine. For a while, we would find him under the bushes along our driveway. Then, he would be under our car! We had to make sure each time we went somewhere that Percival was not under the car. On more than one occasion, I had to move him out of the way. One morning, Glen went out to find Percival standing at the door to our carport!
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Hello! I am Percival! I am very pleased to meet you! "Any friend of Ellie's is treasured by me!" |
Friday, February 7, 2025
Friday Photos-Steele Creek Park
This picture was taken at Steele Creek Park in Bristol, TN, on October 26, 2022. We were in Virginia for hiking. Since our beagle, Ellie, came to be a part of our family, we haven't been backpacking the Appalachian Trail. Instead, we have been trying to find other hikes that all three of us will enjoy while minimizing any danger to her. We know her nose well enough to take her into too much wilderness.
We try to time our fall hikes with the color change, and this year, we chose it perfectly. This was a wonderful hike on an easy path around the lake. The weather was perfectly cool, and we decided to return in the Spring.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
"All Things Ellie" Tuesday -- Other Animals
Of the fun things with Ellie is to watch how she responds to other animals. We have many feral cats in our neighborhood, and she usually responds as you would expect. However, the more she sees each one of them, the less she reacts to them.
One spring, we hiked part of the Virginia Creeper Trail from Abingdon, VA. This particular part of the trail had a good bit of farmland. At one point, we passed some grazing cows. There was a bench across the trail, so we took that opportunity for a water break.Ellie wanted to see the cows. As we sat on a bench, she didn't take her eyes off them. I truly believe if I had dropped the leash, she would have been at that fence in a second.
The next day, while continuing our hike on the "Creeper", we again encountered cows and Ellie didn't even turn her head to give them a look. This was a very different reaction to what she had to the horses.
I kept her as far away from the horses as I could because I didn't know how she would respond to them up close. As it turned out, when they passed us on the trail, she did very well.
Ellie has some other animal friends, too. One day, she was smelling around under the bushes by the house and became very excited. I looked under the bushes and saw a turtle. At that point in my life, I knew almost nothing about turtles. I certainly didn't know that this particular turtle was going to be a beloved part of our lives. I also didn't know I was to write four children's books about his relationship to Ellie! (The fourth is not yet finished.) I didn't know that each morning would begin with Ellie looking for Percival (as we call him) and even feeding him.
Next Tuesday, I will introduce you to Percival and share more about his unique relationship with Ellie and with us.