
Monday, February 12, 2018

A Desire to See More

Of all the pictures I have of the Appalachian Trail (and there are literally hundreds,) I think this one is my very favorite.

It was taken on our very first hike.  We were both new to hiking and new to camping and although we learned a lot on that trip, we enjoyed a lot as well.  This picture was taken between Icewater Spring shelter and Newfound Gap in Tennessee.  It was a cold October morning, but we were dressed well for the weather.

I remember one group of day-hikers passing by us (there is a well-known rock formation with incredible vistas close by) commenting that we "looked like real hikers."  I was quick to reply, and honestly, too, "It's just a façade."  With our backpacks strapped on and our trekking poles in our hands we looked the part, but we didn't really know hiking yet.

While it was not all fun and games (you can read about our first hike here,) this one trip gave us a great love for the Appalachian Trail and a desire to see more.  Each time we go we find ourselves talking about "the next hike" on our way home.  There are always new vistas, new paths, new mountains, new rivers to see and encounter.

How like our walk with the Lord.  The more we know Him, know of Him, know His Word and His Way, the more we desire to be with Him, to know Him more.  Unlike the Appalachian Trail, which is currently 2190 miles long, there is no beginning and ending with our Lord.  We will forever be learning new vistas of His love, new paths of His righteousness, new mountains of His mercy and new rivers of His glory.  

"But the path of the just is as the shining light 
that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."  
Proverbs 4:18

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