
Monday, January 29, 2018

Itching Ears

Our dog Sparrow loves to have her ears scratched.  Her long ears predispose her to itching ears.  If you put your hand right over the top of her ear and gently scratch, she will lean her head into your hand so that the scratch is in just the right spot.

I thought of her today when in Sunday School the question came up regarding why Christians listen to preachers and teachers who do not faithfully preach the Word of God.  The answer given was because these false teachers tell people what they want to hear, not what the Word of God actually says. 

Preachers and teachers who are truly called of God to do so must not only tell Christians the good things, the wonderful promises and truths about being a Christian, but must also admonish and exhort them regarding failures and shortcomings.  The Apostle Paul devoted almost a whole book to pointing out the carnality and faults of the Corinthians.

Some false teachers go as far to resort to fiction, supposition and imaginary tales to "teach" the Bible.  In our discussion of false teachers, these verses were quoted:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."  (2Timothy 4:3,4.)

So what would itching ears have to do with it?  Well, I know with Sparrow she loves to have her ears scratched because it feels good. 

If a teacher or preacher is always telling us things that just make us feel good, perhaps we should question the genuineness of his preaching.  If Christ is not the central point of his sermons, I would be highly suspect.  If the Word of God is not liberally used in his message, I would again be highly suspect.  If the message of salvation, the cross of Christ and the shed blood of our Saviour is routinely omitted, I would be suspicious.

The Scriptures warn us about false teachers and preachers and we do well to be careful to whom we listen.  We live in a day and time when many seek to deceive many more.  Compare all to the Light from Scripture and that which is true will shine forth as daylight.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; 
because many false prophets are gone out into the world."  
1 John 4:1

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