
Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Perfect Mother-in-law

Today would have been my mother-in-law's 94th birthday.

Now when many women use the word "mother-in-law" it is said with a certain twang to the word.  Often daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law just don't seem to be able to get along.  Not so with my mother-in-law. 

Evelyn was the perfect mother-in-law and I hope I can come at least a little close to being to my daughter-in-law what she was to me.  

She was an incredible example of meekness and humility. She had the heart of a servant and always put those she loved above herself.  She embodied the admonition of the Apostle Paul:

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind 
let each esteem other better than themselves." 
(Philippians 2:3)

She was also a great diplomat.  I can remember times when Glen and I would be having a disagreement in her presence, she never -- not even once -- took Glen's side.  

She would simply say something like, "Now, children," to let us know we needed to resolve the issue.

She was gentle and kind with our children, never showing favoritism and she was gracious and kind to me.  

She was not a great Bible teacher, but she taught the truths of Scripture with every action of her life.  She was not a great singer, but her life produced a song of great glory to her Lord.  She was not a rich woman by the world's standards, but she gave abundantly to her family "everything that money couldn't buy."

She was a wonderful woman and I thank the Lord we will have the opportunity to see her again and thank her, and her Lord, for the wonderful light her life was to us.

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; 
Give her of the fruit of her hands; 
and let her own works praise her in the gates.  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: 
but a woman that feareth the Lord, 
she shall be praised.
Psalm 31:28, 30-31

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