
Friday, February 26, 2016


I made a statement to my husband earlier today that has made me think.

We have both recently been ill for several weeks.  Whether  a terribly vicious cold, or the flu, I don't know.   I do know I was in bed for four days, missed two nights of work and slowly-- after a round of antibiotics and a steroid shot -- am feeling better.

Our conversation was about our not exercising or walking in the period while we were sick.  I commented, "Sometimes for people who won't slow down and rest, God has to bring things to their lives to make them rest."

My illness certainly did force me into rest, I had no strength for anything else.  And while I was miserable being sick, the rest was a good thing for my body.

In our current age, so few of us find time -- or take time -- to be still and quiet with our thoughts.  There always seems to be a screen somewhere, be it television, computer or phone, and some form of music to fill the quiet places of our minds where the Lord waits to speak to us.

The Lord would have us seek out those moments of rest where we can hear His "still, small voice" speaking to our hearts.  He would have us turn to Him for rest and joy and peace.  He would have us know His stillness of heart, even when all around us is turmoil, trouble and tumult.

"And He said, 
'My presence shall go with thee, 
and I will give thee rest." 
Exodus 33:14

"Come unto Me, 
all ye that labour and are heavy laden, 
and I will give you rest.  
Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me;
 for I am meek and lowly in heart:  
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  
For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30

"There remaineth therefore a rest 
to the people of God."  
Hebrews 4:9

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