
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


One of the questions we ask pregnant women as we admit them to Labor and Delivery is, "Do you want to do skin-to-skin when the baby is born?"

Most of our pregnant women are familiar with term as they have either heard of it from their physician or they have learned it in their childbirth classes.  For most women the answer is an enthusiastic "Yes!"

Skin-to-skin is the practice of putting the bare baby on the mother's bare chest, covering them both with a warm blanket and allowing no interruptions for at least an hour.  

Studies abound which show multiple benefits to both mother and baby for this practice.  Newborns regulate their temperature better when in direct contact with mother's skin.  Breastfeeding is established easier, the baby's blood sugar is better regulated, the baby stays calm and breathes more naturally.  For the mother there is less incidence of both engorgement and postpartum depression.  

Skin to skin contact can be done even in the process of a Cesarean birth, and if fact, many of our babies born by Cesarean Section ride back from the operating room still on the mother's chest.

It seems obvious, having watched so many mothers and babies come to know each other in this way, that the closer the contact, the more in tune Mother and baby will be with each other. (Dad's can do skin-to-skin, too!)

The same is true of us with our spiritual Father.  The more we are in close contact with our Heavenly Father, the more we will be in tune with His ways, His Word and His eternal purpose in Christ Jesus.  The more we are in-tune with Him, the more peaceful and joyful we will find ourselves.

But unlike the baby, who depends upon others to place him or her in contact with the mother, we much willingly seek out contact with our Heavenly Father.  We must seek Him in His Word and in prayer.  And our Heavenly Father is no less enthusiastic about contact with us than are earthly mothers.  He desires us to seek Him, He longs to spend time with His children and He wants to be intimately involved in every aspect of our lives.  

Whenever we watch a new mother lovingly care for her newborn we can know without a doubt that this is but a shadow of the love and care the Lord has for us.

So let us "come boldly unto the throne of grace,"  let us "search the Scriptures,"  for indeed they testify of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Let us "draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you," (James 4:8.)

". . .but the prayer of the upright is His delight."  
Psalm 15:8

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