
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

So. . .

Each day our daughter comes to us and shares what has happened in her day.  Often she will start the conversation with the word "so."  It is as if she is just continuing the last conversation we have had.  We love these times when she opens up her world to us, we look forward to this time of sweet fellowship with her.

".. . the prayer of the upright is His delight." (Proverbs 15:8)

If we want to know what delights the heart of God, we must look no further than our own voice.  Our prayers delight Him.  Our prayers don't just please Him, they don't just make Him mildly satisfied, they delight Him.

The dictionary defines delight as "great pleasure."  The synonyms are pleasure, happiness, joy, glee and gladness.  This is what we cause in the heart of God when we pray --any time we lift our attention and our prayers to Him.

Knowing this, how could we ever approach prayer as a duty, or as a drudgery?  Prayer is not a duty,  it is an opportunity to delight the heart of One who has given His most precious Son that we might have the freedom to enter into a conversation with our Heavenly Father.

How much more should this thought cause us to bow our hearts and open up our world to Him.  How much more precious is our voice in His ears than any voice can be in our own ears.

Let us seek times often during the day when we can delight the Lord, perhaps even beginning our conversation where we left off, "so. . ."

"Pray without ceasing." 
1 Thessalonians 5:17

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