
Monday, March 2, 2015

The Story of Two Coats

I want to tell you the story of two coats.  

They are very similar and yet they are different.

Both are blue.  Both are raincoats.  Both repel water very well.  Both have a hood to cover and protect the head.

Both are mine.

I bought the first one this time last year when we started walking together.  It didn't take many walks in our Mobile weather to know I needed a raincoat.  As most people do, I bought the raincoat with the specific purpose of keeping me dry when we walked.

As our walks grew longer, we began to talk of hiking as well as walking.  It was then I realized my raincoat would not be suitable for weather on a mountain.

The coat I purchased next was chosen for hiking in the rain.  It has features not found on the first coat, because the maker of the second coat made it specifically for hiking in the rain.  

It has zippers under the arms to aid in ventilation to prevent condensation caused from body heat.  It has a mesh liner to keep the coat off your skin if condensation does occur.  It also has an inside breast pocket  to keep important things, like my phone, safe and dry, but still easily accessible.  It even has little loops and snaps on the cuffs for attaching your gloves.

I tell you about these two coats because they cause me to think of our Christian life.  

During our lifetime of walking with the Lord we will doubtless face many trials, many challenges, many moments of difficulty. 

We have two choices during these moments of trouble and trial.  We can trust in our own abilities to manage and face the challenge before us, which, like my first coat, may offer some help, but will not face the challenge perfectly.  Our own efforts will always be found wanting.

Or we can trust the One who is made unto us everything we can ever need.

"But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" (1 Corinthians 1:30.)

Christ has not  only not left us alone to face these times,  He has entered into our very heart, as the Apostle says, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."  He is made unto us everything we will ever need to meet every challenge of every day.  

We can have a good coat to weather the storms of our lives, or we can have the perfect "Coat" in the winds and waves of our lives.  Christ Himself is that perfect "Coat."  He alone knows the very depths of our heart and knows intimately every detail of every trouble we encounter.  

We need only to look unto the Author and Finisher of our faith, and to trust that He will be everything we need Him to be in every moment of every day as we trust Him by faith.  He has cast His very righteousness around, and indeed, in us so that we can walk faithfully with Him through every trial of every day.  

As the old hymn declares, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling."

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