
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4.60 miles
77°/ Feels Like  77° 98% Humidity

We didn't have much time today so it was a relatively short walk.  I worked last night, came home and slept some, then we had our services at Gordon Oaks before we could walk.

We set out toward Government Street and turned at Monterrey Street.  We snaked back through the neighborhoods toward home.  Starting out with 98% humidity, we should have known we would encounter a little rain.  It wasn't hard and it didn't last long.  Mainly when we talked about the weather, we talked about how we would have never expected to have a night with a temperature of 77° in July.

Our walk was pretty uneventful until almost the end.  Our light was beginning to wane, but we were walking on pretty familiar territory.  At one point there was an oncoming car and Glen (our navigator) said, "Sidewalk left."  I jumped up on the sidewalk to be out of the way of the car.

Then Glen said, "Oh, I'm sorry."  I thought he meant that the car had turned.  What I didn't know was that he had encountered a limb projecting onto the sidewalk.  He brushed it aside thinking it would go up, but instead it went straight back. . .into my face.

Out of the blue I was struck on the bridge of the nose by this hard branch.  It made me a little dizzy and disoriented at first and I couldn't figure out how the branch hit me with so much force.  I thought it was just stationary and I ran into it.  As we walked on, I learned that Glen had pushed the branch aside and it recoiled into my face.  I'm glad it didn't it me hard enough to cause a black eye, that would have been hard to explain.

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