
Friday, July 18, 2014

All My Springs

Glen and I have a song entitled "All My Springs."  When Glen introduces the song, he usually says something like this:

"When David wrote the words, "all my springs are in Thee," (Psalms 87:7) he wasn't just speaking of a nice waterway in which to spend a Saturday morning.  He was talking of their very life.  A source of clean water meant the difference between life and death for them.  David was telling the Lord that He was his very life.  Indeed, He is our very life as well.  He is all we need in every sitution.  All our springs continue to be in Him and Him alone."

This week he introduced the song this way and I immediately thought of something more recent in our lives.

Walking out in the hot, summer Mobile days, having water readily available is imperative, especially as our mileage goes into double digits.  Thanks to my wonderful hydration pack, I carry a minimum of two and sometimes up to four liters of water with us as we walk.  There have been several days when we have consumed every milliliter of those four liters.  The water flowing out of my pack is essential for our health in the heat.

The Scriptures tell us of another flowing water.  "He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, our of his belly shall flow rivers of living water," (John 7:38.)  The little phrase contained in the center of the verse is essential:  "as the Scripture hath said."  We do not just believe on the Lord Jesus in any willy-nilly way, but in the way laid out by the Scriptures.  That is the way of grace through faith.  As the old hymn says, "nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling." There is no good thing we can do that is "good enough" to satisfy the Lord's requirements.  We must solely trust on Him.

The Lord Jesus has completed everything in order for us to have a relationship with Him, and He is doing everything to maintain that relationship.   Our part is to believe this by grace through faith and to walk in that faith believing that we do so through the "power of His might."  Philippians 2:13 tells us that it is His work, "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure," not ours.  He works in us and we work through the power of His might, not our own. 

These are the rivers of living water, the things He works in us and the things which subsequently flow out of us.  The river does not flow for itself, it is for others, and the living water of Christ flowing through us is for others too.  We work not to obtain our own salvation, for that is futile effort.  We do work, however, that the life of our Lord Jesus will flow through us to those around us.

All My Springs


 All my springs are in Thee,
You are the fount of my being, 
And I look only to Thee
to find fulfillment and meaning. . . 
For all my springs are in Thee,
All my springs are in Thee. 

 Rivers of purest joy
flow swiftly into our spirits, 
And as the mercy tides roll,
Your voice, Lord, Oh, I can hear it. . . 
For all my springs are in Thee,
All my springs are in Thee. 

 So let me drink, Lord, of Thee,
o, lead me beside Thy Wellspring; 
And in the water I'll see
reflections of Christ so lovely. . . 
 For all my springs are in Thee,
All my springs are in Thee. 

 All my springs are in Thee.

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