8.04 Miles
86°/ FL 101° 65% Humidity
We began with the plan to walk to, guess where? Yes, Cream & Sugar.
Usually we sort of snake through the neighborhoods before we get to Government Street. Today, though, we walked straight through. By the time we got to George Street, we realized we would be a little shorter on our miles, so we went ahead and walked to Broad Street. Most of the time when we take this route we go from Broad Street to Augusta, but this time we turned on Palmetto. Even though we have walked this way before, I noticed a house I don't remember seeing before. I was struck by the round room on the side of this house and the rounded tiles which covered it.
At the next corner, we had reached Washington Square. I am always impressed by Washington Square, it reminds me of how many beautiful places the are in our city.

We had a special treat at Cream & Sugar, our daughter Emmie met us for coffee. That made a nice treat even sweeter. It was a temptation to just have her drive us home, but we decided to press on and walk.
The walk home was hot, but thanks to my new hydration pack, I had cool water on the ready all the way. The pack holds two liters of water and I had read in the reviews if it was filled with ice and water, the water would stay cool. I had my doubts if that would be true in our weather, but it was. I finished the last of the water once we arrived at home and it was still nice and cool. The pack had room for everything I wanted to take and was very comfortable. In fact, it was more comfortable with this pack, weighing in at 12.5 pounds loaded, than I was with my older pack weighing 9 pounds loaded.
We continued our walk home with a little cloud cover to break up the sunshine. Even our "hot spot" wasn't as bad as it usually is. When we were less than a mile from home, a woman stuck her head out of the window and shouted to us, "Y'all do a great job of walking!" I don't remember ever seeing her before, but we sure appreciated the encouragement.
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