
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

7.55 miles Monday, June 23, 2014 at 12:19 PM

77°/ Feels like: 78° 95% humidity

Although the temperature was way down for this walk, the humidity was way up. We are in the season where we have a shower almost every day and while this lowers the temperature, it does tend to increase the humidity. 

Glen has a cold and my tennis elbow has flared up badly, but we decided to walk anyway. We had wanted to walk earlier, but the weather deterred us. 

Our plan was to go three miles out and three miles back. That usually puts our midpoint near the Starbucks on Catherine Street. Once we got there, we felt good enough to continue on the extra mile+ to Cream & Sugar. 

As we were walking, we began discussing some tee-shirts Emmie was going to make for us. Glen decided we should have our names on it. Since we were nearing Cream & Sugar (our most recent "favorite" coffee shop) we thought that would be cute with Glen being "Cream" and me being "Sugar." On the walk back I got to thinking about that (partly to distract me from the burning pain in my elbow.) I began to think of variations of Cream & Sugar and came up with Crea Man & D'Sugar. The letters are the same, but are separatedly differently. Almost immediately, Glen began calling me D'Sugar. The walk back was pleasant and I was glad we ended up with 1.55 more miles than we originally planned. 

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