
Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014 at 9:15 AM

5.13 miles
77° 43%

With a weather forecast for the whole weekend of rain and an afternoon funeral to do, the main issue of walking today was when we could possibly do it.

Glen was watching the weather closely and saw we might have an opportunity to walk late in the morning. As we started out, we thought we might have a chance of being rained on, but looking at the skies it didn't seem likely. . .the sun was out, there were few clouds and the sky was a brilliant blue.

We started out through the neighborhoods, and everywhere was the evidence of the storms over the last few days. Puddles and ponds had popped up where once were streets and sidewalks. Nothing presented itself, however, that we could not go around.

We walked along Government Street past Catherine and then turned around to head home. By the time we had turned around, the clouds had come in and the sky darkened. We had a few sprinkles to walk through but nothing more.

Once we came in there was just enough time to get ready for Ms. Anne's funeral. Once again the clouds disappeared for her funeral and graveside service. We realized we hadn't eaten a thing all day, so we left the funeral home in search of lunch. By the time we got home, the dark clouds were building up again. Hopefully, there will be another bright spot later on where we can pick up a few more miles for the day.

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