
Monday, January 13, 2014

Mr. Ray and Mrs. Sarah

I want to tell you about Mr. Ray and Mrs. Sarah.  

Mrs. Sarah was a resident at the Nursing Care Facility where we do chapel services each Sunday.  When we first met Mr. Ray and Mrs. Sarah, she had just come to live there. At first they were able to attend our chapel services, but then Mrs. Sarah became easily agitated and Mr. Ray was afraid they would be a distraction.  Soon Mrs. Sarah's condition began to deteriorate, making the trip to the chapel was not possible. 

I suspected she had been a teacher or nurse in her career because she was always fidgeting in an apparent effort to "put things in place."  When I found out she had been a nurse, and an obstetric nurse at that, I was  immediately drawn to her.  I had the feeling she was the type of person who was always taking care of everything and everyone.  Nurses and teachers seem to be like that.

Then there is Mr. Ray.  I never seemed to see Mrs. Sarah much without Mr. Ray.  He was always there, taking care of her, protecting her, keeping her from falling.  He was talking to her, feeding her, and in general just loving her.  

Mr. Ray's tenderness and faithfulness were not just an example both me and my husband, it was a reminder of another Care-giver.  One who never tires, whose tender-loving care is infinite and boundless.

Isaiah 40:11
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd:  He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."

1 Peter 5:7
"Casting all your care upon HIm; for He careth for you."

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