
Friday, April 12, 2013

I'm Glad She Didn't Kill Her Husband

"I didn't kill my husband, but I think he was happy to die."

"If you find out where I am, please come and tell me."

These were comments made to us today by a dear friend of ours who lives in the nursing facility where we do chapel services.  We were making room visits, and as usual, I always leave Ms. Johnnie's room laughing.  I never know whether she means to be quite as funny as she comes out to be or not, but she is a delight to visit.

Ms. Johnnie had been with us for years and then moved to another facility for several months.  We were so pleased to see her back one day and told her so.

"Ms. Johnnie, we have missed you so much!  We are so glad to have you back!"

"Oh! Where have I been?" she quipped in reply.

I don't have any idea of how old Ms. Johnnie is, she is one of those women who has a timeless look about her.  Pictures of her family are lined upon the window-sill of her room and she tells us she has a big family.

"You never know how big your family is until you start buying them Christmas presents!"

When we begin to sing with her, Ms. Johnnie sings the words to the old hymns she has probably sung most of her life.  I imagine the words tumble out without her even having to think much about them. . .I know that's how it often happens for me.  Her voice is sweet and soft.

I could spend days writing about sweet people like Ms. Johnnie, Mrs. Eunice, Ms. Martha-1 and Ms. Martha-2 (roommates until recently), Jim Kelly, Bonnie,  . . .the list could go on and on.  What a blessing they have been to us in the ten years we have been doing this!

My point is that there are so many wonderful, sweet, diamonds of persons who would love someone to just stop by their door, say hello, perhaps sing a song and say a short prayer.  Many can no longer see well enough to read their Bibles and would love someone to just sit for a minute or two and read the Scriptures to them.

If you are looking for a way to bless someone, looking for a way to give of yourselves to others, I encourage you to call a local nursing facility today.  Speak to the Activities Director or Nursing Director.  Ask if you could come by to just read or visit or sing. . .or whatever it is you love to do. . .with these dear people.  You may be giving a blessing, but I promise you, the blessing you receive will be so much greater.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, 
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, 
and to keep himself unspotted from the world."  
James 1:27

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