
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pots of Pansies

Hanging on our fence are a couple of pots of pansies.  They are beautiful expressions of the glories of the Lord's  creativity.  But they didn't pop out of the pots spontaneously.

Glen and I went to the store, he picked out the flowers for the pots and I picked out flowers for the flower bed.  He planted the pansies in the pots.  He waters the pansies and feeds them.  As the weather has turned cooler, the pansies have blossomed into a beautiful bouquet to greet us each time we arrive home or walk out the door.

The plants we love to see each day are the direct result of the time and effort that Glen has invested both in planting and cultivating them.  If he went along day by day without a plan, there would have been no pot, no pansies and no beautiful blooms today.

How can we know so clearly that a garden, be it flower or vegetable, needs planning and daily care for growth, blooms and fruit to occur, but we seem to think that spiritual growth can occur haphazardly, accidentally or just spontaneously?

I don't mean to say that we need a highly regimented plan, because I do believe in allowing for the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, but I think there needs to be some type of a plan for Scripture reading and prayer.  We plan to eat, sometimes with intricate detail, we plan what to wear, how much more important to plan for our spiritual sustenance and growth?

Whatever your thoughts on your walk with the Lord, formulate some type of plan.  Have a plan for reading the Scriptures and some form of plan for prayer.  That way you can be more assurred of having a pot full of glorious blossoms to the glory of our Lord.

"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear  my voice."
Psalm 55:17

"O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day."
Psalm 119:97

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