
Monday, October 15, 2012

The Little Red Books

I like to know how things work.  By that I mean, I like to know the story behind the story.  How things come to be, or the story of how they practically work out that many people may not ever know.

That's why I'm telling you about the little red books.

Everywhere I go I carry with me a little red book.  I use it to jot down ideas for this blog wherever the idea might hit me. Often the book may have several pages of as yet unwritten "Powder Rooms." Then when I have time, usually the morning after a day off, before I go back into work at night, I sit down and write several entries at one time, marking out each entry in the book as I write it as a blog post.

The lovely thing about blog posts is you can schedule them to come out whenever you would like.  So this blog I am writing on October 10th most likely won't come out until October 15th or later.  And lest anyone think I am actually up at 4am writing my blog as my husband does his "Special of the Day. . .From the Orange Moon Cafe", no at 4am I am either at the hospital working, or sound asleep.  I am not the morning person he is.  The blog is usually published at 4am because that's about the earliest I think anyone would be up to read it at the beginning of a day.

Sometimes the inspiration for a blog comes from something I see, such as in "The Purposeless Fence" when I noticed the fence as we were driving along.  Sometimes it is something that happens to us, as in "Chocolate Explosion."  Most often the inspiration comes from listening to sermons by my husband and our dear friend, John Canning.

The point is, that the Lord is always speaking to us.  He is always communicating, but we aren't always listening.  Once we begin the habit of listening -- sort of like a new mother listening for the sounds of her baby -- we will become more and more in the habit of listening.  Suddenly the whole world will explode into a cacophony of the Lord's speaking to us through various venues.  We will see His truths in ways and means we never have before.  We just have to allow the Holy Spirit to open up our eyes and our ears to see and hear the truth that is all around us, because ". . . in Him we live, and move, and have our being," (Acts 17:28).

For more on this thought, please read "The Speaking Voice"  from the book, "The Pursuit of God", by A. W. Tozer.

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