Not Democrats or Republicans, not male or female, not rich or poor. No, the primary difference in Alabama is are you a fan of the University of Alabama or a fan of Auburn University?
I grew up an Auburn fan. In fact when I graduated from high school I planned to attend Auburn. I changed my mind about two weeks before I was to move into the dorms.
I remained an Auburn fan until my oldest daughter became a student at the University of Alabama. Suddenly it wasn't right to cheer against my Alabama anymore. Our daughter graduated from Alabama for both undergrad school and law school, securing our family's status as Alabama fans.
Why did I become an Alabama fan after being an Auburn fan for decades? Because it was the school my daughter loved. Because I loved her, I loved what she loved.
"For the Father Himself loveth you, because ye have loved Me, and have believed that I came out from God," (John 16:27).
When you love someone, you choose to love and care for what they love. This is true within the Trinity as well. God the Father loves us, God the Son love us, God the Holy Spirit loves us. Because each of member of the Godhead loves us, our love from God is compounded and multiplied.
We are love beyond measure and beyond what we could possibly imagine.
"We love him, because He first loved us."
1 John 4:19

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