
Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

I was born on Labor Day.  I think it is both fitting and ironic that became a Labor Room nurse.

My trek to Labor and Delivery was in every way unexpected.  First of all, I never expected to be a nurse.  I had other plans.  I wanted to be a journalist, but a well-meaning relative discouraged me.  Then I planned to go away to college to become a teacher.

A few weeks before I was to leave home I decided I just didn't want to go.  There was a perfectly good University in my town which had an excellent College of Education, but instead of enrolling there, out of the blue I told my family, "I guess I'll go to nursing school."

Now, I had never wanted to be a nurse, had never planned to be a nurse, had never prepared to be a nurse.  But obviously God wanted me to be a nurse.  I had not taken Chemistry in high school and I would need it to get into nurses' training.

I couldn't take Chemistry in summer school, not enough students wanted it to offer it.  I couldn't take it in night school either. My only choice was to take it in college.  Ouch! 

But this is how the Lord works.  I had joined the chorus in college and loved it. I took Chemistry in the accelerated session between the Spring and Summer semester.  Another ouch!  But my professor was one of the choral directors!  At least I had a friend in my instructor.

When he gave out the pretest the first day of class, I looked at the questions and didn't even understand most of the questions!  But, through the grace of God, I passed Chemistry.

The next fall I started the nursing program and graduated without any problems, even though falling in love during that time presented a huge distraction.  After graduation, I wanted to work in a neonatal intensive care, but there were no slots even in the regular nursery where I was to work.  A few days before I graduated one of my classmates came up to me and said, "They have straight day positions open in Labor & Delivery if you want one!"

To this day I can still remember my answer, "Why would anyone want to work in Labor & Delivery?"

God has a sense of humor, doesn't He?

I worked in the Cardiac department of that hospital for three months by the calendar and three years by how it felt to me.  Then I transferred to USA Medical Center to work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where I worked for five years. 

During that time I married, got pregnant and attended childbirth classes.  It was during those childbirth classes I fell in love with the concept of labor.  Our Lamaze instructor, Nancy, was a wonderful, kind instructor and I wanted to do exactly what she was doing.  So after our first baby was born, I went through the rigorous training that group required to become one of their instructors.

I also put in a transfer for Labor & Delivery.
Newborn child, seconds after birth. The umbili...
. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have now worked in Labor & Delivery for twenty-nine years.  I have been in about 2800 deliveries.  It has been the most incredible blessing to witness the miracle of birth over and over again -- and each time it is indeed a miracle.  What a thought that our Lord and Savior humbled Himself to be born as a baby...what love and mercy bestowed upon us by One willing to become so little and so totally dependent!

Never could I have imagined my life would have taken the turns it has, and as I reflect on the wisdom of our God on this Labor Day, I can only thank and praise Him for His leading in my life.  I look back over the path and see His hand in the myriads of ways and times that I didn't understand then, but now it makes perfect sense.

"This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. 
O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever." 
Psalm 118:23,24, 29
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