
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Glimpses of Love

I have seen many "glimpses of love" in my lifetime.  Thousands of times I have seen a brand-new baby handed into the arms of a new mother.  I have watched as mother, and father, cry and joy over their new child.

I have seen glimpses of love between my grandchildren.  Jackson is only a year older than Emma, but he is in every way the "big brother".  He is always watching out for her and taking care of her.  If she is upset, he is there to comfort her.  If he suspects she may be fearful, he is there waiting.

This past Saturday we took Emma for her very first ballet class.  She was not nervous in any way, shape or form.  As soon as we walked through the door of the studio, she ran into the room and began dancing to the music in her head.   Jackson, however, was nervous for her.  He didn't want to leave, but sat outside the room and watched through the one-way window.  Finally he moved away from the window and watched her on the big screen television above the window.  It was only halfway through the class before he realized she was going to be ok that he finally relaxed.  Watching Jackson, I was glimpsing love.

I see glimpses of love in the cup of coffee my husband so faithfully brings me every morning.

During the Olympics we saw glimpses of love when a winning athlete would run into the arms of a mother or father for a long and tearful embrace.

Don't we enjoy seeing things like this?  Don't they warm our heart and sometimes even bring tears to our eyes?  Why is that?

It is because whenever and wherever we see glimpses of love, of true unselfish love, we can know one thing. . .we are somehow seeing glimpses of the love of God.  The Scriptures tell us "God is love," (1 John 4:16)  He is somehow the source of all true love and He is the only One who can love in the way that is always true, always unselfish and always faithful in every motive.

So somehow in the mystery that is Godliness, when we see these earthly glimpses of true love, we are seeing our Lord manifesting Himself in that situation.  He works in and through His children to manifest  His character and way and to conform us to the image of His dear Son.  When we see these acts of love, it's fine to feel that warmth of heart and even to shed tears, but let us also send up praises to the God who is love and that "...when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly," (Romans 5:6).

“His love is perfected in us.”
(I John 4:12)

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