
Friday, August 24, 2012

"I Love You, Mom!"

Between the years of 1997 and 2000, I worked in my hospital's computer department.  I had my own computer and I soon learned to customize the sound on it.  I recorded my youngest daughter's voice, then six years old, and attached her saying certain phrases to actions of various programs.

For example, when I would open my email program, I would hear her voice say, "Mail's here, Mom!"  My very favorite of all those recordings, though, was the one which said, "I love you, Mom!"  Every time that particular program opened and I heard her sweet little voice saying those words, my heart swelled.  If I was having  particularly difficult day, I would open that program just to hear her proclamation of love.

As sweet as it was for me to hear those words from my daughter, it is even sweeter for the Lord to hear them from us, for He has paid a much dearer price to be able to call us sons and daughters.  He gave His only Son to the cruel death of Calvary that He might gain many sons and daughters through faith in His redemptive work on our behalf.  And our voice is sweet to His ears:

"O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let Me see thy countenance, let Me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely,"(Song of Solomon 2:14.)

Let us find many reasons throughout the day for Him to hear our voice.  Let us cause the things in our lives which bring us joy to take praise and thanksgiving to His ear.  Let us use the things which bring us sorrow and suffering to bring supplication and intercession to His heart.  Let us lift our voice to Him and let Him hear it as a music ringing true with love and adoration to Him echoing the Love and adoration He showers upon us with each breath we enjoy.

"If my voice is sweet to you, Lord, 
As Your Word declares, 
And if somehow you find delight in my prayers. 
And if Your face You call me to seek, Lord, 
Your face I will seek… 
And my voice You will hear…"

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