
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Lord's Fish and Momma's Lasagna

After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the disciples had gone back to their boats to fish.  They fished the night and "caught nothing" (John 21:3.)  That morning, Jesus stood on the shore, only the disciples did not recognize Him.  He told them to cast their nets on the right side of the ship and "ye shall find" (John21:6) and they did.  In fact, their nets were so full they could not draw it up for the number of fish.

It was this same morning that Jesus cooked a meal of fish and bread for the disciples.  He encouraged His disciples to "come and eat" once they were come to shore with their newly caught fish.

I have often thought about those fish the Lord Jesus cooked and wondered, how He got them.  I suppose He could have caught them as most people do, but the Lord Jesus was a carpenter, not a fisherman.  I think perhaps He could have just walked up to the water and said, "Fish, come forth."  Then the water would have been teeming with fish who wanted to obey their Lord and Creator and even be cooked by His hands.

If this were true it would be no wonder that then when He instructed them to put their nets down, there were more fish than they could pull up!  No matter how the fish managed to be there, they were there before the Lord told the disciples to drop their nets. 

We have seen in our own lives so many times where the Lord's provision was abundantly provided even before we realized the need was there, just as the Lord had those fish waiting in the sea for the disciple's nets before He told them to cast them down on the right side.

One particular time sticks in my mind.  We were still newlyweds and living on a tight budget.  One week especially, there was more budget than dollars and we found ourselves facing a significant portion of week until payday.  We decided not to fret or worry but to take our situation to the Lord and trust Him.

Within a few hours of praying about the matter, the phone rang and a friend had asked us to dinner.  Now that could have been a coincidence and doesn't really show the Lord's prevenience in the situation.  What happened next, though, does.

My mother called.  A social event she was planning on attending at church had been canceled.  For this event she had already made a huge pan of lasagna and a big green salad.  It was simply too much food for her and my Daddy, so she wanted us to come and get it.  Even to this day I can remember how wonderful my mother's lasagna was.  We were thrilled to have it and she was right, the pan was huge!  We ate lasagna for a week and as I recall we never tired of it.

Now the church social had already been planned and my mother had already made the lasagna when we prayed for the Lord to provide our needs. The Lord knew the social was going to be canceled and He used that event to provide for our needs.  Before we could even ask, our supply was in my mother's oven.

Jesus said that "your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him," (Matthew 6:8) and it is "your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom," (Luke 12:32.)  It is His desire to supply our needs.  It is our responsibility to not look at those needs though, but rather to look "unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith," (Hebrews 12:2.)

"Seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you."
Luke 12:31

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