
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Heal me!

“You are just the person I was waiting for! Heal me!”

These are the words I rasped out to my physician as she rounded the corner at work yesterday.  After being sick for more than a week, I knew I needed more than I had to make myself better.  I was powerless to accomplish any real change in my condition and she was the only one who had what I needed.

I felt like the leper who said to the Lord Jesus, “If thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.” 

I knew she could heal me because she has done it before.  In fact, last year, she treated me for the very same thing in the very same way, except that day, she was the one that took me to the office for a shot of antibiotics and a shot of steroids.

Twenty-seven hours after having my backside filled with healing drugs, I am glad to say I am much, much, better and I can see a full recovery at the end of the tunnel.

All of us at some point in time are in need of healing – physical, emotional or spiritual, and we all need to reach to the One beyond ourselves who alone has the power to do so.  There have been times of deep grief in my life, when my mother was dying of cancer, for example, that my heart was so full of pain all I could do was cry out, “Lord, help!”  And like my kind physician-friend, He was there with His love and comfort and peace to heal my broken heart.

Sometimes it is a loss we are suffering.  In fact, when I was suffering this week from my respiratory infection, I was also from a heart grief.  My friend had not died, but our circumstances have changed to the point it is not likely we will be seeing much of each other, and not in the way we had hoped.  Our situation and our expectations have been lost.  We are grieving and we are in need of healing.

There is only One who is the Great Physician, the One to heal us wherever that pain, that loss, that ache exists.  He knows our every sorrow and has been touched with our every infirmity in some glorious heavenly way we cannot understand.  Whatever our pain, whatever our loss, we must take it to the out-stretched hands of the Lord Jesus who waits to heal our broken hearts, to ease our lost expectations and to fill us with the joy of Himself in ways we could have never imagined.

“The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion;
slow to anger, and of great mercy.
The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
Psalm 145:8,9  Psalm 147:3

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