A couple years ago when we visited Boston, we went to the Boston Symphony. As John Williams conducted the Boston Pops and we heard the first strains of the most beautiful music bounce off the walls of that acoustically perfect room, tears streamed down my face. The sound of the music was incredible and all I could think was, "How amazing must be our God to have created this."
Several times when we have set out kayaking before daybreak, we have stopped our boats to watch the sunrise and as the sky painted pink and purple and gold, I have again had tears streaming down my cheeks as I wondered at the power, grace and beauty of our Lord.
I have been blessed in my career to witness over twenty seven thousand babies come into this world. Each is a miracle and each baby a beauty in it's own right. I have often cradled a baby in my arms and marveled at it's minute perfection. The softness of the little cheeks, the sweetness of the little hands and feet are a glory to behold. Babies were just meant to be held, swaddled and loved. How great is our Lord to have created the miracles of birth and babies.
Today I had another of those moments of perfection. I had worked night shift last night and had especially been looking forward to my sleep because I have a cold. I don't have to work tonight, so there was no alarm to wake me up -- what a wonderful thing in and of itself! This afternoon, my husband came in to wake me up with a cup of coffee (After thirty-three years, he knows that if he is going to wake me up, it is much better to have a cup of coffee in his hands!)
Then he said, "How would you like some homemade donuts?"
He handed me a plate with two homemade, cinnamon sugar donuts. Our beagle, Sparrow, who is my nap partner (she holds the World Record and Gold Medal in Naps) perked up too. I took a bite and knew I was experiencing something exceptional. I had just bit into a perfect donut.
Now we grew up with Krispy Kreme. We remember the old Krispy Kremes -- you know, before they changed the recipe, so I have had good donuts. But this donut, this was absolutely incredible. Crunchy crust on the outside, fluffy cake on the inside. . .perfect in every way. Sparrow agreed.
I would have never thought a donut could lead to worship, but I found myself thanking the Lord for the experience of this wonderful culinary delight. Only He could have imparted the wisdom and skill to mankind to give us such a recipe. And speaking of grace and mercy beyond measure, I had not one, but TWO of these fantastic donuts! (Which was good, because Sparrow's incredible beagle nose told her we had a delectable goodie on the plate and her pleading eyes made me share with her. Her second Gold Medal is in Eating.)
I wonder how many opportunities for worship and thanksgiving I have missed because I took for granted all the great things the Lord has sent my way. When I crawled into bed this morning, did I think to thank Him for the comfortable pillows? Did I thank Him for the cold medicine that had enabled me to get through the night of work more easily? How many moments of perfection, awe and grace have I simply missed?
May my blind eyes be enlightened to see Him in all things and to know more fully that, as my life motto says, "having Him, we have all."
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17

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