Image via Wikipedia
Apparently her phone must have vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and began texting away at an answer.
I was in mid sentence when this occurred. I didn't know, should I stop my sentence and wait for her? Should I continue on speaking, assuming she could carry on both conversations, the one in real life and the one in cyberspace, simultaneously? I had been put on hold, only I was the "real life" person, not the message on the phone.
The incident immediately made me feel insignificant. I felt catapulted from having her attention, to the bottom of the totem pole, not even worthy of eye contact. I had been usurped by a series of letters on a screen and felt awkward and somewhat insulted as a result.
I wish I could tell you that I have never had this happen to me before, but alas, it is frequent in this age of instant communication to hear a bleep or bling or bell from someone's device and immediately have any communication from them ripped from you to whatever the device contains.
While relating this story to my husband, I felt convicted because, first of all, I have probably at some time, in some form done this to someone else. If I have done this to you, I apologize.
More serious to me though, is the many times I have done this to the Lord. How many times has He been desirous of my attention, my conversation, my thoughts and I have let something trivial, something less essential than the Lord of my universe, pull me away from Him? How often have I been engaged with the very Person who has given me "life and breath and all things" and then turned away for something so much less?
I can never feel wounded from my Blackberry friend because I have given so much more grief to One who could never deserve it. If I had any idea how much He delights in my prayers, my conversations, I would never let anything distract me from our communion.
". . .but the prayer of the upright is His delight."
(Proverbs 15:8)
(Proverbs 15:8)
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