Now, my husband is a cheerful, chipper, early morning riser. Not me. He has learned through the years to wake me gently, preferably with a cup of hot coffee waiting. I move slowly through the paces of getting ready, my body, and often my mind, being tempted to resent each step along the way. Once I heard my husband joke to someone else that my heart "doesn't start beating until 9am!"
I was thinking about this morning as we were on the way to the hospital. It was a particularly

You see, a great many of the beautiful sunrise pictures I have taken over the last few years have

Had I not been working day-shift and not been going in to work, I would have never seen that sunrise to have even had the thought about pulling out my camera.
My thought about this is that when I am tempted to think how much I hate going to work in the mornings, I need to remind myself that "as for God, His way is perfect." (2 Samuel 22:31) I may think I know what may be best for me, or even perfect for me, but it is God who knows what is best and His way is always perfect for me.
Read this as I was getting my 'non- morning' body ready for work...Thank you for a BEAUTIFUL reminder that God does know what is best for us. ("My ways are not your ways, saith the Lord")
Awesome pictures of God's glory all around us.
Have a blessed day!
Thank you, Sue. I hope you have a great day as well. That was a perfect verse, too! I wish I had thought of that one last night!
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