
Friday, September 25, 2009

A Mother's Heart in War. . .1-11-2004

The Friday entries of "The Powder Room" are currently from a journal which I started when we found out our son was going to be deployed with the United States Marine Corps to Iraq. The journal was not written with the intention that it would ever be read by anyone else, much less published in any way. There are feelings in the journal that are deep and true and I wasn't sure at first I wanted to share them. But there are many sons and daughters still serving in our armed forces and I think it might be good to share "a mother's heart" with you what those other mothers may be facing. The entries are shared as a tribute to my son and his service to our country, and to all those sons and daughters who continue to willingly place themselves in harm's way for the protection and preservation of liberty.

January 11, 2004

Things just seem to be more of a reality when you see them in print, even those things which are not true.

Thursday morning I was sitting outside on the swing, the puppies scurrying around at my feet. It was cold and a slight misty rain was falling. I had just finished exercising and the cool air felt so refreshing on my flushed face. I was enjoying the relaxing scene of the puppies at play when Glen silently stepped outside and handed me a portion of newspaper. By the long rows of columns dotted with portrait type pictures, I recognized the obituaries.

"Who died?" I asked. He didn't answer, only handed me the paper. Then my eye caught the headline of the article I had read the day before, but he had only now seen:

"Marine Reservists to Head for Iraq"

It was a short article about Noah's platoon being deployed. I remember being mildly irritated that it had been buried on the obits page (oh, please pardon that pun) but that is so the way the Recon men do things. Other battalions have big ceremonies with TV cameras and ribbons and bows, but Recon men just sem to pack up and quietly leave town. May their homecoming have more celebration!

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