This was written July, 18, 2009:
FRANCES: I can't believe it has been over two months since we were in our boats! First we went to Chicago, then Glen was sick, then I was sick, then I was working. Whew!
GLEN: Lord willing, I hope that we never again go that long without being in our kayaks. It is too much a gift of God for such interruption in the joy of it.
Today we were going to go to Meaher Park for a quick trip because Glen had to be back to help a neighbor move a piano. When we got to Meaher Park, the gate to the put-in was closed and locked. We drove back North down the road and found a nice spot for a put-in. It turns out this was the same spot where we came for me to take pictures of the sunrise the morning of my fiftieth birthday.
This is by far my favorite put-in we have found. Private and easy access to the water, and a beautiful spot from which we can go in a number of directions to find beautiful waters and scenes. HEY! Don't tell everyone that its so great, then it won't be so "private" anymore!
We put into Chacaloochee Bay. We followed the bay along the Causeway, behind the restaurants, until we came to Apalachee River. We paddled a down the river a little way and came back, since it was a short trip.
Looking at those seafood restaurants makes me hungry! Yeah, if they were open when we finish, we could have some shrimp and grits for brunch!
Along the bay, I paddled with my camera between my knees to get some video -- not too easy to do. Every now and then, I would hit the camera with my paddle. This began my resolve to work out a good 'yak-cam system. When I got home, I made the video at the end of this post. The music in the video is a song written by Glen entitled, "Mountain Streams".
I love Frances' photography and video work on our trips. I don't think she anticipated this being a part of kayaking, and the experience wouldn't be the same without it. Like we say, "With God, there's always more to the picture than meets the eye." One of the great promises and principles of life: "Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3:20) (We we first started, I didn't think about photography, and certainly not videography. It has grown from a disposable camera to a paddle-mounted video-capable digital camera. Each time we go, it seems like there is some new aspect opening up to us. "Abundantly above" has been the theme of our lives together and the Lord has provided that over and over again.)
When we first put-in, the water was very choppy and it was windy and chilly. I remember thinking that I wish I had one more piece of clothing. That thought didn't last long. Paddling in the choppy waves warmed me up quickly.
We've never done any cold weather kayaking, but are planning on buying wet suit bottoms and sailing through the fall and winter. (We really don't have "winter" here. No snow, no ice, not many really cold days.) Now that will be interesting, and I anticipate exhilarating. I anticipate the hot cup of coffee and fresh, hot Krispy Kreme donuts on the way home will be exhilarating!
Once we got out of the bay, the water was much smoother. Coming back down the river it was like glass, until we reached the bay again.
At the end of our loop on the river, we found a huge old tree up-ended in the water, the roots pointing toward the sky. It was now a haven for fish, where it had once been a haven for birds. At first it seemed so sad to me, something so proud and mighty now fallen and dead. Then Glen pointed out that even dead, it was still fulfilling a great purpose and providing a home and life to other creatures. It had provided a sense of wonder and awe to me as I stopped to look at it and watch the birds perched on the roots reaching up from the water. It just goes to show that even when we think something has no worth or use, the Lord can make it a home, a sustenance, a provision to someone else in ways we could have never imagined.
Perfect expression of Paul's words, "So then death worketh in us, but life in you." (II Corinthians 4:12)
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